Tom Caraher.

A Development Blog.

Thumbnail cover image "Pingala", A Fibonacci sequence based generative art piece

"Pingala", A Fibonacci sequence based generative art piece

This generative art piece is entirely based on the Fibonacci Sequence and the resulting ‘golden ratio’, which are incorporated into all aspects of the design including the layout, ellipse elements, rectangle/arc sizes and positions, and how they all relate to one another. Almost every design element takes its parameters directly from a fibonacci number, each time being called by an essential custom recursive method.


Thumbnail cover image React Instrument Tuner with Machine Learning

React Instrument Tuner with Machine Learning

There are apps galore to solve this issue, but for some reason an accurate web based tuner was missing, despite there being a wealth of open source tools to help build one. I am open to any and all constructive criticism so please leave an issue/contact me on github or email me!


Thumbnail cover image Animating SVGs with Framer Motion

Animating SVGs with Framer Motion

Here I'll highlight some examples from my web design site, where I chose to animate my hero image/logo, along with some other icons on the home page.


Thumbnail cover image About Me

About Me

Hi. My name is Tom Caraher. I'm a (new!) father, husband, musician and hobbyist software developer. I spend much of my time traveling around playing the saxophone, but greatly enjoy tinkering with all sorts of fun computer stuff - from Python to React, CSS to bash, and HTML to home servers. I have enjoyed exploring a number of eclectic technologies since beginning this journey.


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